To help you get the most out of this 19th edition of the Festival dell’Economia, we’ve gathered together the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions: for any further information, feel free to contact us at info@festivaleconomia.it.


Q: Where will the festival be held?
A: The festival will be held in the fantastic setting of Trento. To find the location of any event you are interested in attending, check out the programme, where you will find all the necessary details. What’s more, we’ve compiled the descriptions and location of all festival venues here


Q: Are the events free?
A: All Festival dell’Economia events are free, with no exceptions!


Q: Is it possible to pre-book access to an event?
A: No, it is not possible to pre-book access, neither online nor at the venue ticket offices. 


Q: How long do the events last?
A: The events last around 45 minutes, unless the programme indicates otherwise.


Q: What must I do to access the Festival events?
A: Access to all events is free while places last. To access the events in the venues, you must register here. If you are unable to attend the events in person, it is still possible to watch the live streams by registering here

Q: Attention! Registration DOES NOT guarantee a place at the events.
A: Therefore, we recommend that you arrive in plenty of time. Registration is not necessary for minors. If you have any problems related to registration, you can write to info@festivaleconomia.it: the Festival staff will do all they can to help.
Registration is necessary for the following venues: Teatro Sociale; Palazzo della Provincia – Sala Depero; Palazzo della Regione Autonoma Trentino Alto Adige; Philharmonic; Fondazione Caritro; Buonconsiglio Castle – Sala Marangonerie; Tridentino Diocesan Museum; Palazzo Trentini; OECD Centre; Santa Chiara Auditorium; Palazzo Sardagna – Rector’s Courtyard; Palazzo Sardagna – Hall of Sciences; Augustinian Cloister; Palazzo Bassetti; Palazzo Geremia – Sala di Rappresentanza; Palazzo Prodi - Auditorium; Law Department – Sala Zuelli; Chamber of Commerce – Sala Calepini; Chamber of Commerce – Sala Corsi.


A: I am unable to register online, how can I access the events?
Q: Don’t worry: you can go to the InfoPoint in Piazza Duomo, where you will find help with getting registered.


Q: I have registered but my QR Code has not arrived via email: what can I do?
A: Write to info@festivaleconomia.it: the Festival staff will do all they can to help.


Q: I have registered and received my QR Code, do I need to print it?
A: No, just show it on your smartphone at the entrance to the venues.


Q: I have registered and my QR Code has arrived via email: does this entitle me to reserve a place?
A: No, the QR Code is necessary for access to the venues and you will be asked to show it at the entrance, but it DOES NOT guarantee a place at the events.


Q: I will be taking part in the Festival with other people; can I fill out a single registration for all of us?
A: No, each registration is unique to one person only.


Q: Do minors under the age of 18 also need to register?
A: No, registration is not necessary for minors.


Q: How does press accreditation work?
A: To get press accreditation, go here for information.


Q: I’m not from Trento, but I’m planning to visit for Festival dell’Economia. Do you have any advice on places to stay?
A: We’ve compiled all the information necessary for anyone visiting Trento over the four days of the festival here. You’ll receive a warm welcome here in Trento!


Q: What is the Festival Train and where can I catch it?

A: This year, the Festival dell'Economia of Trento is providing a city train that will tour the historic center of the city, making it easier for attendees to reach the festival locations.
The free service will be available every 20 minutes throughout the festival, from May 23 to 26, from 9:30 AM to 1:00 PM and again from 2:00 PM to 7:00 PM.
The train will follow this route:
- Piazza Dante (Departure)
- Via Belenzani (Piazza Duomo)
- Piazza Fiera
- Via S. Pietro (Piazza Cesare Battisti)
- Piazza Mostra
- Piazza Dante (Terminus)
At each stop, you will find a totem identifying the train's arrival point.


Q: Can I stream Festival dell’Economia?

A: Register here to follow live streams online and access all on-demand videos from Festival events.


Q: I am unable to register to stream the events, what can I do? 
A: Write to servizioclienti.eventi@ilsole24ore.com : the Festival staff will do all they can to help.


Q: I have registered to stream the events, but I am unable to get connected: what can I do?
A: For support with live streaming, you can read our tips at https://virtualevent.ilsole24ore.com/help/ or write to the email address supporto.sole24ore.eventi@house264.com


Q: What are the official social media accounts for Festival dell’Economia?

A: You can follow us on InstagramFacebookTwitter and LinkedIn. Follow us and use #FestivalEconomiaTrento to share your experience.